'Fintech industry faces similar challenges as the tech industry in terms of security hygiene,' says Tim Theuri

Leadership style combines a bottom-up approach
Tim Theuri is a cybersecurity and risk expert with extensive experience in the financial and telecommunications sectors. The combination of his cybersecurity expertise and his in-depth knowledge of risk management enables him to develop robust strategies that mitigate potential threats. Read on to discover his extensive experience in fintech and learn ways to stay apprised of the most recent technological developments in the industry. 

The fintech industry faces similar challenges as the technology industry in terms of basic security hygiene. However, the risk for any financial institution is significantly higher because customers trust them with their money and sensitive information.

Media 7: Can you share the highlights of your career path leading up to your current role as the Executive Head of Cybersecurity at M-PESA Africa?
Tim Theuri:
My interest in technology and cybersecurity began at a pretty early age when I was in primary school because I was always curious about technology. I was fascinated by the latest tech things. My passion for technology continued to grow during my undergraduate studies, where my interests in technology were refined, and I gained a sense of direction. For my undergraduate degree, I pursued software engineering as I always wanted to become a programmer, developer, or coder. However, coincidentally, I also completed my CPA (Certified Public Accountant) to have a balanced understanding of business and making money. After completing both of those degrees, I was fortunate enough to be selected for recruitment by Deloitte, where I began my career as a financial auditor before specializing in technology risk and data consulting. Following that, I transitioned to Safaricom, where I took on various roles, including audit, risk management, and technology. My big break came when I joined the M-PESA Africa family. As the Executive Head of Security, my role perfectly aligned with my interests in managing technology-related risks and contributing to financial inclusion for the African continent.

M7: Based on your experience as a systems and risk consultant, what do you think are the common IT risks faced by the fintech industry? How can those risks be mitigated?
I think the first part, unfortunately, is the truth. Some common misconceptions are related to busy systems, security hygiene risks, and a perception that cybersecurity requires something complicated or advanced due to the exposure we have to security breaches, hackings, and advanced persistent threats affecting large companies. However, in my experience, most cases reveal a lack of basic security practices. Simple measures, such as regularly changing passwords, ensuring system activity is monitoring, regularly reviewing users and system logs, and keeping systems up-to-date with patches, play a crucial role in cybersecurity. The fintech industry faces similar challenges as the technology industry in terms of basic security hygiene. However, the risk for any financial institution is significantly higher because customers trust them with their money and sensitive information. Failure to apply basic security practices can lead to breaches and erode that trust. Therefore, maintaining standard security hygiene is essential for both fintech and any technology industry to mitigate risks effectively.

One of the critical aspects of cybersecurity is knowing the asset inventory, as you cannot protect what you are unaware of. It's crucial to establish a schedule for patching systems and applying security updates, as well as having well-defined user governance processes and security policies in place. Raising awareness about these policies among all users helps reduce risks to a manageable level, though it's impossible to completely eliminate them. The adage holds that the only system that is 100% secure is one that is entirely shut down.

M7: M-PESA Africa processes a massive volume of transactions daily. How do you ensure the security and integrity of these transactions, and what measures do you take to protect customer data and privacy?
One of our most basic processes for ensuring the integrity of customer transactions is the customer PIN—a simple four-digit number providing end-to-end security. This PIN is known only to the customers themselves. At M-PESA, we don't have access to the customer's PIN, which ensures that their transactions remain protected and can only be initiated by the customers. However, we acknowledge that there's a possibility of customers being compromised, as we hear reports of such incidents. To address this, we run an awareness program for our customers, encouraging them to safeguard their PIN and never share it with anyone. This approach ensures that all transactions are genuinely initiated from the customer's handset.
Moreover, we prioritize security along the entire connection, from the phone to the M-PESA systems. This connection is end-to-end encrypted, safeguarding against any potential eavesdropping or tampering. Even the SMS initiated from the M-PESA site is encrypted using SSL and validated within our core M-PESA systems. Our system architecture is designed with defense in depth, similar to the layered security measures you might have at home with gates and multiple locks. We implement parametric security, security at the phone level, in the campus system, as well as in our applications and databases hosting customer data. Security is a fundamental aspect considered from the architecture stage and not added as an afterthought or bolted on later. This approach ensures that customer data and services are fully protected at all times.

M7: In your experience as an ISO lead internal auditor, what industry-specific challenges did you face when ensuring compliance with ISO standards? How are such challenges generally addressed?
ISO standards are a set of practices that guide any company, industry, or organization in applying international best practices for their respective industries. From my experience in both Safaricom and M-PESA, I've encountered two significant challenges. The first challenge is having the specific knowledge required to apply these general standards and practices to the fintech level. It demands a dual skill set: in-depth knowledge of the financial industry and technical expertise. Additionally, understanding the actual ISO standards and their application on a general basis is crucial. Safaricom has gained considerable experience with ISO standards and holds the most certifications among Eastern Central African companies. Leveraging this experience, we have developed a tribe of ISO qualified auditors and implementers who are well-versed in ISO requirements and can implement these processes across the entire organization at all levels.
The goal is to ensure that ISO knowledge is not limited to a single individual or team. Instead, the entire organization, including champions and leads, acts as a knowledgeable source in ISO processes. This widespread understanding enables everyone to contribute to the successful implementation of ISO practices in Safaricom and M-PESA.

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In today's globally connected world, cyber risks apply without discrimination to both new and old markets, whether they are within Africa or from outside the continent. Our approach to cybersecurity acknowledges this reality.

M7: According to you, what are the most major cybersecurity threats faced by the financial and telecommunication industries today?
TT: The biggest threats faced by both industries today are also opportunities. Ever since COVID and the shift to work from home, the envelope of staff work has expanded. We now see remote work as a state of mind rather than being confined to a physical location. This seamless work from home setup has its benefits, but it also exposes us to increased cyber risks. Previously, cyber threats were primarily focused on staff while they were at their workplaces, but now, working from home has created a new set of risks. Home environments may lack the typical perimeter of security measures found in offices, making them vulnerable to cyber threats.
We've had instances where staff accidentally downloaded malware while working from home, which could have been prevented if they were at the office. As a result, we had to rethink our approach to cyber protection and endpoint security to cover employees regardless of where they work. This led us to apply security measures to safeguard data wherever it flows. Cloud security plays a significant role in ensuring that whether employees work from home or office, they are equally protected without compromising security, portability, or their ability to work flexibly.

M7: How do entities in the fintech space across different countries navigate compliance requirements and ensure that cybersecurity practices align with relevant regulations in each market?
TT: Market regulations are crucial, but unfortunately, they are not yet standardized across Africa. While we have seen improvements in collaboration among market regulators, there is still a long way to go in establishing common continental or pan-African regulations governing the fintech space. The impact of this situation is that in each market we operate in, we prioritize establishing positive and mutual relationships with the respective regulators. This approach allows us to understand their objectives and compliance requirements while also educating them about our goals. It's a partnership where both parties work together to protect the users of our system. We view it positively as a collaborative effort.

This partnership enables us to not only meet the regulators' requirements but also strive to exceed them. We don't set our benchmarks based on each regulator's demands; instead, we aim to meet the strictest regulatory requirements across all markets. Whether it's about cybersecurity or resiliency, we ensure that our actions align with all the necessary requirements, regardless of the specific market. Our success lies in maintaining a strong partnership model with regulators and consistently striving to surpass even the strictest regulatory demands in the various markets we serve.

M7: How do you stay updated with the latest trends, emerging threats, and best practices in cybersecurity? How does that knowledge apply to financial and telecommunication industries?
I struggle to stay updated on my site, but I ensure I stay informed through two main avenues. Firstly, I am an active member of both the Isaka and ICQ communities due to my CISSP certification. My passion for cybersecurity leads me to research and share insights on the subject. Attending conferences and engaging with cybersecurity communities helps me stay up-to-date on the latest threats in the field.
Secondly, from a group perspective, M-PESA Africa operates as a subsidiary of Safaricom and Vodacom, both being subsidiaries of the Vodafone Group. Within this network, we have a cybersecurity community where best practices from the Vodafone Group are shared and applied across different markets. This community exchange benefits both from the telecommunications and financial aspects of our operations, helping us develop and implement effective strategies against emerging threats. For instance, when it comes to areas like artificial intelligence and blockchain, specific conferences are attended to explore ways to leverage these technologies within our fintech and telecom industries. This proactive approach helps us keep abreast of new threats and adapt our practices accordingly.

M7: M-PESA Africa is expanding into new markets, including Ethiopia. How do you adapt your cybersecurity strategy and practices to accommodate the unique challenges and regulatory requirements of each new market?
At M-PESA Africa, our vision and mission revolve around applying comprehensive cybersecurity controls for all markets, regardless of whether they are new or well-established. We do not differentiate when it comes to cybersecurity; all markets receive equal attention. Our commitment is to ensure that all controls are uniformly applied across our vast estate, without any discrimination or differentiation.
To achieve this goal, we take into account the requirements of all regulators, implementing even the strictest regulatory demands consistently across all markets. This approach allows us to maintain a consistent and level playing field for cybersecurity controls, reducing our overall cybersecurity risk to the minimum possible. In today's globally connected world, cyber risks apply without discrimination to both new and old markets, whether they are within Africa or from outside the continent. Our approach to cybersecurity acknowledges this reality and ensures that all markets are equally protected from potential threats.

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The dynamic nature of cybersecurity in the technology industry applies to enterprises involved in content creation and those seeking to build a brand image and connect with customers.

M7: We would like to know your opinions on thought leadership. According to you, how can thought leadership shape a company's brand identity?
M-PESA Africa, being the largest and most significant mobile money service, has established its brand based on creative and innovative ideas. Our focus on developing leadership and prioritizing customer service with new and innovative products has strongly connected us with our customers. As a result, we are the largest mobile money service in all the markets where M-PESA operates. This sustainable growth enables us to achieve our mission of financial inclusion and empowering our customers. Moreover, our strong brand presence has helped us connect with customers globally, even in markets where we don't have a physical footprint. This means that if we were to expand to new markets, we would start on a positive note with a well-recognized mobile brand, M-PESA.

M7: Considering the dynamic nature of cybersecurity and the need to drive impactful information technology changes in enterprises, what strategies do you recommend for content creation and advertising to effectively communicate an organization's expertise and insights to your target audience?
The dynamic nature of cybersecurity in the technology industry applies to enterprises involved in content creation and those seeking to build a brand image and connect with customers. In summary, they must understand their target audience and fulfill their needs to become successful companies. Passionately understanding and serving the customer is what differentiates leaders in this field. While there are numerous strategies that can be adopted, the key lies in building a staff culture that is dedicated to serving the customer with passion. This principle holds true for any enterprise, regardless of whether they are involved in cybersecurity technology or not.

M7: How do you foresee the future of cybersecurity in the fintech industry as it continues to embrace and adopt new innovations like digital wallets, blockchain, and open banking? What are the key cybersecurity considerations that will arise with these advancements, and how do you envision addressing them to ensure the security and trustworthiness of financial services in the evolving fintech landscape?
Combining two of my passions, cyber security, and blockchain security, I have given numerous talks on how these fields can be combined. From the fintech industry perspective, let me start with blockchain. As we all know, blockchain originated from a cybersecurity perspective, with Bitcoin being the first successful blockchain product. Over the past 12 years, the fintech industry has witnessed the continuous evolution and experimentation with blockchain technology. We keep a close eye on these developments and explore how to leverage them securely, including innovations like open banking and trustless security.
Artificial intelligence is another aspect that has gained significant attention recently. However, as customers understand and utilize these technologies, they become intrinsic and essential, moving beyond just hype. As leaders in the fintech industry, we must embed these technologies and advancements to provide value to our customers. Regarding cyber security considerations, we consistently update ourselves on evolving cyber risks. Before rolling out any product to customers, we conduct a thorough security review to ensure it is secure from the customer side to the system side. We strive to eliminate any vulnerabilities or potential malicious uses. We are one of the first companies to have a public bug bounty program in collaboration with our partner, HackerOne. We engage white-hat hackers on the Internet, providing them access to some areas of our system. If they identify any vulnerabilities, we conduct a paid bug bounty and promptly address and fix those issues. Cyber security is deeply ingrained into our approach to new technologies and advancements.


M-PESA Africa's financial innovations expand clients' options. Our platform, Africa's largest fintech, connects 50 million clients, 600,000 agents, 5 million businesses, and 59,000 developers to execute over 70 million transactions everyday. Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, DRC, Lesotho, Ghana, Egypt, and soon Ethiopia are our markets. The M-PESA Super App allows businesses and organizations to create digital mini-app stores to satisfy consumers' daily needs and facilitate their digital lives.


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AffiniPay | January 24, 2024

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AffiniPay Launches AffiniPay IQ, Generative AI for Legal Tech Industry

AffiniPay | January 24, 2024

AffiniPay, the leader in online payments and software solutions for professionals, announced the launch of generative AI embedded in its leading legal technology products, MyCase, CASEpeer, LawPay, and Docketwise. “At AffiniPay, we believe generative AI can drive the type of efficiencies and insights that will result in better outcomes for our customers and their clients,” said Dru Armstrong, Chief Executive Officer of AffiniPay, parent company of MyCase, CASEpeer, LawPay, and Docketwise. “As a trusted technology partner, we have big plans to empower our customers with AI, and are excited to announce the launch of AffiniPay IQ.” According to the newly released 2024 LawPay and MyCase Legal Industry Report, productivity is a key driver for generative AI investment, with 75% of law firms citing it as the top reason for their interest in AI. To meet this demand, AffiniPay is investing in generative AI and plans to roll out new solutions in a phased manner across the legal product suite. Starting with a MyCase beta, AffiniPay plans to extend various AI solutions to CASEpeer, LawPay, and Docketwise in the coming months. The company’s vision is that customers will be able to utilize AI-powered conversational interface that will enable users to access their data and generate insights using natural language, directly within the interface. These future features will include Case and firm search: Attorneys and staff can quickly get answers to their questions around a specific case or client, saving time in their day Intelligent insights: Law firms can receive customized recommendations to optimize intake, productivity, cash flow, and more Automation: Firms can create workflows, send payments, and open files - all by interacting with the platforms in a conversational way, just like they would with a trusted assistant The first beta release of AffiniPay IQ features include document summarization and text editing, both of which will be woven seamlessly into the suite of AffiniPay’s legal products. Starting with MyCase and CASEpeer, the following AI features will be built into daily workflows Document summarization: Empowers law firms to review case documents quickly using AI-generated summaries of their contents Text editing: AI-powered text editing embedded into the product to allow style updating, tone changes, and summarization “We are committed to our responsible approach to innovation, and are excited to launch generative AI functionality into our software that serves our customers and their needs, and no one else,” said Bryan Thompson, Chief Technology Officer of AffiniPay. “This is the first of many thoughtful generative AI features that our team will be weaving into our product suite over the coming months.” The second release of AffiniPay IQ features will include Communication drafts: Attorneys and staff can quickly generate first drafts of client communications or invoice reminders Translations: Users can translate text into different languages instantly Task & event generation: Law firms can select and analyze text in notes, documents, or emails, and receive suggestions for tasks or events, saving time at every step Data population: Docketwise-specific AI feature that instantly extracts key information from copies of passports, drivers’ licenses, and birth certificates, to automatically populate immigration SmartForms AffiniPay invites legal professionals to experience AffiniPay IQ from Jan. 29 - Feb. 2, during Legalweek in New York, where both LawPay and MyCase are sponsors. About AffiniPay AffiniPay is a market leader in practice management software and online payments for professionals serving legal, accounting, architectural, engineering, and construction firms. AffiniPay has been recognized as one of Inc. 5000’s fastest-growing companies for 12 years in a row. Each of its brands leads the market it serves with solutions purpose-built by industry including LawPay, MyCase, CASEpeer, Docketwise, CPACharge, and AffiniPay for Associations. AffiniPay’s solutions are trusted by more than 245,000 legal & accounting professionals with more than 150 strategic partnerships and endorsements, including the American Bar Association and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

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Financial Management

BlackRock Agrees to Acquire Global Infrastructure Partners (“GIP”), Creating a World Leading Infrastructure Private Markets Investment Platform

BlackRock, Inc. | January 15, 2024

BlackRock, Inc. and Global Infrastructure Partners a leading independent infrastructure fund manager, jointly announce that they have entered into an agreement for BlackRock to acquire GIP for total consideration of $3 billion of cash and approximately 12 million shares of BlackRock common stock. A $1 trillion market today, infrastructure is forecast to be one of the fastest growing segments of private markets in the years ahead. A number of long-term structural trends support an acceleration in infrastructure investment. These include increasing global demand for upgraded digital infrastructure like fiber broadband, cell towers and data centers; renewed investment in logistical hubs such as airports, railroads and shipping ports as supply chains are rewired; and a movement toward decarbonization and energy security in many parts of the world. Further, large government deficits mean that the mobilization of capital through public-private partnerships will be critical for funding important infrastructure. Finally, as capital has become more scarce in a higher interest rate environment, companies are exploring partnership opportunities for their embedded infrastructure assets to improve their returns on invested capital or to raise capital to reinvest in their core businesses. BlackRock has a broad network of global corporate relationships as a long-term investor in both their debt and equity. These relationships will help us lead critical investments in infrastructure to improve outcomes for communities around the globe and generate long-term investment benefits for clients. The combination of GIP with BlackRock’s highly complementary infrastructure offerings creates a comprehensive global infrastructure franchise with differentiated origination and asset management capabilities. The over $150 billion combined business will seek to deliver clients market-leading, holistic infrastructure expertise across equity, debt and solutions at substantial scale. Marrying the proprietary origination and business improvement capabilities of GIP and BlackRock’s global corporate and sovereign relationships provides a platform for diversified, large-scale sourcing to support deal flow and co-investment opportunities for clients. We believe bringing GIP and BlackRock together will deliver to clients the benefits of broader origination and business improvement capabilities. Founded in 2006, world leading independent infrastructure investor GIP manages over $100 billion in client assets across infrastructure equity and debt, with a focus on energy, transport, water and waste, and digital sectors. GIP’s performance has been driven by proprietary origination, operational improvements, and timely exits. They have successfully scaled their global equity flagship series, with the most recent fully invested flagship fund in 2019 surpassing $22 billion. BlackRock’s over $50 billion of infrastructure client AUM is comprised of infrastructure equity, debt and solutions, and has grown both organically and inorganically since inception in 2011. Top investment talent at BlackRock lead franchises that include Diversified Infrastructure, Infra Debt, Infra Solutions, Climate Infrastructure and Decarbonization Partners. The GIP management team, led by Bayo Ogunlesi and four of its founding partners, will lead the combined infrastructure platform. They will bring with them talented investment, and operationally focused business improvement teams with a strong track-record of building and running high-performing private markets businesses. GIP’s founders and teams remain highly committed to clients, and we expect the integration with BlackRock’s broader platform will generate even greater opportunities. Subject to completion of customary onboarding procedures, BlackRock has also agreed to appoint Bayo Ogunlesi, GIP Founding Partner, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, to the Board at the next regularly scheduled board meeting following the closing of the transaction. “Infrastructure is one of the most exciting long-term investment opportunities, as a number of structural shifts re-shape the global economy. We believe the expansion of both physical and digital infrastructure will continue to accelerate, as governments prioritize self-sufficiency and security through increased domestic industrial capacity, energy independence, and onshoring or near-shoring of critical sectors. Policymakers are only just beginning to implement once-in-a-generation financial incentives for new infrastructure technologies and projects,” said Laurence D. Fink, BlackRock Chairman and CEO. “I’m delighted for the opportunity to welcome Bayo and the GIP team to BlackRock, and happy to announce our plans to have Bayo join our Board of Directors post-closing. We founded BlackRock 35 years ago based on a unique understanding of investment risk and the factors and forces driving investment returns. GIP’s deep understanding of the factors and forces driving operational efficiency for long-term value creation have made them a global leader in infrastructure investing. Bringing these two firms together will create the infrastructure platform to deliver best-in-class investment opportunities for clients globally, and we couldn’t be more excited about the opportunities ahead of us.” “I’m excited about the power of this combination and the prospect of working with Larry and his talented team. We share with BlackRock a culture of collaboration, client focus, investment partnership, and commitment to excellence. Investors have adopted private infrastructure investing for its ability to provide stable cashflows, less correlated returns, and a hedge against inflation. Global corporates have turned to private infrastructure as a fast innovator and a more commercially agile owner of infrastructure assets that aren't core to their commercial businesses. This platform is set to be the preeminent, one-stop infrastructure solutions provider for global corporates and the public sector, mobilizing long-term private capital through long-standing firm relationships,” said Bayo Ogunlesi, GIP Founding Partner, Chairman, and CEO. “We are convinced that together we can create the world’s premier infrastructure investment firm.” About BlackRock BlackRock’s purpose is to help more and more people experience financial well-being. As a fiduciary to investors and a leading provider of financial technology, we help millions of people build savings that serve them throughout their lives by making investing easier and more affordable.

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Financial Management

Synechron Launches 'Synechron Nexus' AI Solutions Suite in Fulfilling the Promise of AI With Ready-to-use Solutions

Synechron | February 02, 2024

Synechron, Inc., a leading global digital transformation consulting firm focused on financial services and technology organizations, announces the launch of its Synechron Nexus suite of nine Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions that are ready to be deployed within weeks. This array of generative AI-led solutions was designed to span the nexus between human expertise and AI, while enabling users to automate manually intensive tasks, increase project speed, drive operational efficiencies, and reduce costs across various key business tasks. Each solution, divided among three value streams, allows Synechron clients to improve their operations, reduce friction in their processes and boost productivity. Business Growth: Practical, innovative applications that enhance business capabilities Synechron Amplifai is a GenAI-powered market research solution. Its automated research capability saves significant time in a wide range of use-cases, reducing the tedium of gathering, analyzing and reporting market news, trends and strategies. Synechron Clarifai is a tool for summarizing and analyzing call-center transcripts. Conversations are flagged for non-compliance and further human review/actions. Synechron Simplifai centralizes project portfolio data and metrics for streamlined executive decision-making, informing effortless, data-backed decisions for executive and steering committee groups. Operational Efficiency: Advanced solutions to streamline processes and elevate internal operations Synechron Nexus Chat is built on a conversational AI model, understands and engages in a comprehensive range of scenarios and supports plug-ins for real-time data and integration, while delivering human-like conversational responses and text, safely and securely. Synechron Replai is an AI-driven, RFP and proposals tool, streamlining proposal creation with high-quality, insightful responses, with the ability to search the internal knowledge repository for fast access and content re-use. Synechron Unifai is an AI-driven HR solution, designed to simplify interactions between company HR functions and employees, such as policy information and employee-specific payroll details. Synechron Identifai collects comprehensive online market intelligence and provides an in-depth understanding of business, emerging technology trends, or any research topic. Developer Productivity: Toolkit to optimize timelines, minimize costs, and automate practices across the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) Synechron Codifai is an SDLC productivity improvement tool, using automation in code generation, unit test case generation, legacy code migration, code optimizations, and automatic code documentation. It works closely with Synechron Verifai which addresses software testing aspects. Synechron Verifai is a GenAI tool for SDLC productivity, using automation in code generation with a focus on QA test case generation, automated test script generation, synthetic test data generation, and bug detection and bug fixing. It works closely with Synechron Codifai which addresses software development efficiency. This new Synechron Nexus AI suite of real-world, practical business solutions, combined with the five formalized RiskTech.AI Accelerators (launched in October 2023), leverages Synechron's AI Practice expertise globally. The creation of AI-led business solutions has been a passion of Synechron's for over a decade, and the firm's commitment to innovative excellence has won the firm eight prestigious AI industry awards to date. Faisal Husain, Synechron's Co-founder and CEO, said of the launch of the Synechron Nexus AI Suite of solutions, "We are proud to be releasing this extensive array of AI-enhanced solutions that go beyond the hype, and provide significant, tangible benefits to business operations. AI and GenAI-rich tools are not just ideas we offer to our clients, but key process accelerators that we ourselves at Synechron are deploying across our company, as we offer ways to integrate the benefits of this technology with human expertise." Ryan Cox, Co-head of Synechron's AI Practice in the UK, added, "Our team has developed, tested, and successfully integrated these advanced AI solutions. Our approach is to strategically guide our clients to integrate AI effectively within their business processes. We identify the key areas where AI can bring the most impact, aligning our solutions to their unique business needs. This targeted approach ensures significant value creation with maximum benefit." Prabhakar Srinivasan, Co-head of Synechron's AI Practice in Bangalore, India, commented, "Artificial Intelligence has proven to be a wonderful force for driving business enhancements by quickly synthesizing extraordinarily large data sets. The Large Language Models used learn over short span of time on how to optimize each firm's proprietary information, thereby boosting productivity and allowing businesses to realize time and cost savings as they optimize tasks." About Synechron At Synechron, we believe in the power of digital to transform businesses for the better. Our global consulting firm combines creativity and innovative technology to deliver industry-leading digital solutions. Synechron's progressive technologies and optimization strategies span end-to-end Artificial Intelligence, Consulting, Digital, Cloud & DevOps, Data, and Software Engineering, servicing an array of noteworthy financial services and technology firms. Through research and development initiatives in our FinLabs we develop solutions for modernization, from Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain to Data Science models, Digital Underwriting, mobile-first applications and more. Over the last 20+ years, our company has been honored with multiple employer awards, recognizing our commitment to our talented teams. With top clients to boast about, Synechron has a global workforce of 15,000+, and has 48 offices in 19 countries within key global markets.

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