
Tender Retail and Blackhawk Network Joined Hands to Expand their Modernized Payment Options

Tender Retail and Blackhawk Network together announced a new venture that will assist retailers in expanding their in-store payment options and modernizing promotional offers and discounts from their customers. Some of the proven additional choices that these market leaders aim to offer for merchants are couponing, Buy Now Pay Later, and cryptocurrency.

Tender Retail has been a middleware payment solutions provider for enterprise retail and quick-service restaurant chains. Blackhawk Network has been a global financial technology company assisting companies with fintech solutions. Together, they will also help retailers streamline in-store operations and initiate terms to lower the cost of payment acceptance.

The agreement on expanding modernized payment solutions has enabled Tender Retail and Blackhawk Network to diversify their existing technology features to provide customers with better buying experiences. With this aim, the market leaders will create solutions around features like Buy Now Pay Later and incorporate alternative payment methods such as digital wallets from providers globally.

Tender Retail and Blackhawk Network have been in partnership since 2006 and deliver prepaid gift card payment integration to enterprise merchants. On this, Greg Whitnell, Executive Vice President of Tender Retail, says, "We are very excited to strengthen our relationship with Blackhawk to continue to develop enhanced payment options and meet the diverse and rapidly changing demands of consumers."

Blackhawk Network has come forward with the step and brings its decades of experience in technology. Through its technical expertise, the market leader will execute solutions for retailers and companies serving consumer products and services. The solution will provide pre-integrated solutions to retailers to track engagement to redemption and target specific or a group of products, facilitate faster payment, and increase revenue generated from discounts and coupons offerings.

As the customer loyalty and retail landscapes adapt to support global consumers in an omnichannel environment, we are proud to be leading the charge of this innovation alongside Tender Retail. We look forward to collaborating to bring new solutions to our network of partners to further shift the retail payments landscape."

Cory Gaines, CPO, Blackhawk Network.



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