How to help clients get a jump on saving in their 20s

Clients in their 20s will be better off contributing to a Roth IRA than a traditional IRA, according to this article from CNNMoney. Although they get upfront tax deductions for contributions to a traditional IRA, they are expected to pay taxes when they start withdrawing the money in retirement. And at that point in their lives, they likely will be in a higher tax bracket. Contributions to a Roth IRA are not tax deductible, but the tax bill will be lower since they are in a lower tax bracket earlier in their lives.


This election year will have a significant impact on long-term indirect tax rules, rates, and risks. More immediately, federal, state, and local tax policymaking, fiscal conditions, and technological disruptions will muddle the short-term indirect tax environment in the United States. This white paper will cover the important tr


This election year will have a significant impact on long-term indirect tax rules, rates, and risks. More immediately, federal, state, and local tax policymaking, fiscal conditions, and technological disruptions will muddle the short-term indirect tax environment in the United States. This white paper will cover the important tr

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