The business value of ServiceNow for retail banks

December 12, 2021

Banks typically approach transformation in part by reengineering their own internal business, IT, and operational processes either in ad hoc ways tied to direct response to some tactical problem or over longer time frames based on carefully planned out strategic planning.

Recently, however, this transformational process has taken on a new urgency, and certain projects that were targeted to take a year or two have needed to be accelerated to meet our rapidly changing banking environment. Even the need to respond to today’s tactical challenges needs to be viewed through the long lens of transformation.

As banks begin their process of recovery, projects that provide immediate return on investment (ROI) and help develop resilient operations, improve customer experiences, or improve compliance through improved service management will become critical to how quickly banks can recover from periods of economic disruptions, now  and in the future.


360, Chartered Accountants

A firm of Chartered Accountants and registered auditors, 360 specialises in the provision of accounting, taxation, audit and business development services to a variety of individuals and corporates...

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The Case for Re-inventing the Credit Decisioning Approach

whitePaper | April 14, 2023

The importance of credit decisioning in the success of a credit business cannot be overemphasized. Credit businesses are heavily dependent on their business rules, mathematical models, and data to make profitable decisions. Customer behavior and expectations have been irrevocably transformed as a result of the pandemic, and the use of alternative credit products such as BNPL, peer-to-peer lending,

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whitePaper | May 14, 2020


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2020 banking and capital markets outlook

whitePaper | January 3, 2020

A NEW WAVE OF disruption more forceful and more pervasive than what we have seen in recent years will likely unfold in the next decade. While the roots of this disruption— technological, economic, geopolitical, demographic or environmental—may remain the same, the unique convergence of these factors should unleash unprecedented change in the broader society and economy, and, consequently, in the banking industry as well.

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4 Ways Financial Scammers are Getting Ahead

whitePaper | March 29, 2022

Recent global developments have created ample opportunities for cybercriminals to take advantage of vulnerable and even traditionally non-vulnerable individuals. The COVID-19 pandemic amplified the use of digital channels for everyday banking, while other services including digital payments, contactless and cashless payments, and buy now pay later (BNPL) services were embraced by consumers around the world. Last year, 93% of consumers used one or more digital payment methods1 , such as Zelle, and made nearly $100 billion in purchases using BNPL services2 . Not to mention government stimulus programs created unusual cash flows that were ripe for the taking by scammers.

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Enabling and Automating Critical Finance and Accounting Processes in Sage Intacct

whitePaper | March 21, 2022

Even after migrating key business processes to the cloud, companies can trip themselves up by continuing manual management of high-volume reconciliations, complex journal entries, and other financial close and accounting processes. This error-prone approach reduces accuracy and visibility, risking business agility and regulatory compliance.

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Innovating through platforms and ecosystems

whitePaper | May 7, 2022

Many traditional financial services products are being commoditised. They are becoming irrelevant in the lives of customers. They are seen as table stakes. What customers really care about is value, convenience, and security. And what they want is a financial services ecosystem uniquely tailored to their specific needs. I am not particularly prone to making predictions. But – of this – I am fairly certain: in the next 15 years, all of the most successful financial services organisations will be platform players. The leaders will be defined by the ecosystems that gravitate around them. They will be measured by the incremental value they deliver their customers. And they will grow based on their ability to meet their customers’ needs.

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360, Chartered Accountants

A firm of Chartered Accountants and registered auditors, 360 specialises in the provision of accounting, taxation, audit and business development services to a variety of individuals and corporates...
