Lifecycle Capital Investment Planning Solution

The Lifecycle Capital Investment Planning Solution (L-CIPS) marks a major step forward in capital investment planning for the water industry. L-CIPS is simultaneously a business strategy, a methodology and an information technology tool. It represents a paradigm shift towards risk-based asset management.


EMC Insurance Companies

EMC Insurance Companies is among the top 50 insurance organizations in the country based on net written premium, and we have more than 2,500 employees. The company was organized in 1911 to write workers’ compensation protection in Iowa. Today, EMC provides property and casualty insurance products and services throughout the United States and writes reinsurance contracts worldwide. Operating under the trade name EMC Insurance Companies, Employers Mutual Casualty Company and one or more of its affiliated companies is licensed in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

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Improving Intercompany Accounting

whitePaper | August 18, 2022

Intercompany accounting is integral to the assignment of the profits of domestic and global enterprises. It also has a significant bearing on the effective tax rate of the group. Intercompany accounts therefore must be calculated accurately, accounted for and settled in a timely manner, and tagged properly so intercompany liabilities and profits can be eliminated when results are consolidated. Many of the most common hurdles to an efficient and effective intercompany process can be traced to low levels of process automation, lack of access to a single source of the truth, and decentralized and inconsistent practices. By adopting best practices and reducing the need for manual intervention, account-to-report organizations can not only reduce the cost of the process, but also improve its effectiveness.

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Fintech and the Pursuit of the Prize: Who Stands to Win Over the Next Decade?

whitePaper | October 10, 2022

Over the last decade, $5 trillion of market value has been created in financial services.¹ The sector’s gross profit pool has swelled to an amount larger than any other major group – larger than software, e-commerce, semis, and even healthcare. Since financial services are ingrained into nearly every aspect of our life and work, it is a natural target for disruption and innovation. Fintech has just experienced its very first venture-fueled innovation cycle with the percent of venture dollars rising from <5% of dollars deployed in 2011 to ~22% in 2021.² Hundreds of billions of dollars invested in the space has fueled a new wave of technology evolution around the world from omni-channel payment providers to B2B payments and fully re-bundled digital banks.

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Reimagining the Future of Finance

whitePaper | May 10, 2023

Fintech” is a word that’s barely a generation old. But in that nanosecond of historical time, this amalgam of “finance” and “technology” or, more specifically, the array of products and services that fintech companies have brought to life—has had an impact on the daily lives of billions of people.

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The ultimate solution for cryptocurrency payment transactions

whitePaper | July 10, 2022

Mrweb Finance provides financial solutions to companies and individuals by developing secure and encrypted decentralized financial systems via blockchain technology. Mrweb Finance evolved to be the ultimate solution for electronic payment transactions. We have developed solutions for electronic payment systems that use the technology of encrypted digital currencies, Blockchain, in the most efficient, secure, and reasonable time frame possible. We aim to solve most of the issues that crypto professionals face by developing a smart application " smart wallet " that operates on the Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum, and the Tron network. MrwebFi's system allows you to manage your money online. We developed a cutting-edge system that provides new decentralized financial investing technologies.

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test whitepaper

whitePaper | May 5, 2020

Have you ever failed a class because of Wikipedia? (We will pass you!) (100) Are you not getting enough sleep because of time on Wikipedia? (9) ...Did you not get ANY sleep last night because of Wikipedia? (100 - we commend you for being that dedicated) Are you sleeping during the day (as of 8 a.m.) because you edited Wikipedia overnight (add overslept time in hours)? (5) Do you forget to think twice before you say something to real people but re-check a hundred times what you have typed in before posting your comment in a talk page? (5) Do you judge people you know offline partly on the basis of their Wikipedia contributions? (6) Do you think quality of contributions to Wikipedia is an important criterion in choosing a partner for a close relationship? (17 and a crash course in dating) Do you subscribe to a Wikimedia mailing list (e.g., WikiEN-l, Wikimedia-l)? (2) ...Do you actually read that mailing list? (20)

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Innovating through platforms and ecosystems

whitePaper | May 7, 2022

Many traditional financial services products are being commoditised. They are becoming irrelevant in the lives of customers. They are seen as table stakes. What customers really care about is value, convenience, and security. And what they want is a financial services ecosystem uniquely tailored to their specific needs. I am not particularly prone to making predictions. But – of this – I am fairly certain: in the next 15 years, all of the most successful financial services organisations will be platform players. The leaders will be defined by the ecosystems that gravitate around them. They will be measured by the incremental value they deliver their customers. And they will grow based on their ability to meet their customers’ needs.

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EMC Insurance Companies

EMC Insurance Companies is among the top 50 insurance organizations in the country based on net written premium, and we have more than 2,500 employees. The company was organized in 1911 to write workers’ compensation protection in Iowa. Today, EMC provides property and casualty insurance products and services throughout the United States and writes reinsurance contracts worldwide. Operating under the trade name EMC Insurance Companies, Employers Mutual Casualty Company and one or more of its affiliated companies is licensed in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
