August 21, 2019

Your localization partner is going to do a deep-dive into your business—so start by diving deep into theirs. Are they an industry-leader with 20 years of experience or a relative newcomer? Will they speak Samoan, Uzbek, or Swahili (and all your customers’ languages)? Can they deliver on-time and on-budget—every time? Ask how many languages they support. Find out whether their translator team comprises just linguists, or linguists and subject matter experts. Explore the backgrounds of their senior management team. Be nosey. Ask questions. Cyberstalk.


De Nederlandsche Bank

In een professionele werkomgeving die door de actualiteit en de dynamiek van de financiële wereld op een hoog peil staat. Multidisciplinair, in een internationale context. Bij een organisatie met een grote maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid - wát we doen, doet er toe. En dat doen we met integriteit, loyaliteit en een groot saamhorigheidsgevoel. Onze succesfactoren.

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test capital whitepapaer

whitePaper | May 6, 2020


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whitePaper | April 4, 2022

Decentralization, Scalability, or Security: Pick two. In brief, the Trilemma refers to the fact that networks in general (and distributed systems in particular) suffer from internal trust issues, proportionate to their size: The larger the size of any network, the greater the degrees of separation between its members and therefore the lower the level of trust. This problem can only be averted by either a) making it harder to join the network, reducing scalability; or b) delegating the responsibility (and associated privileges) of overseeing the network’s activities to a handful of specialized nodes, sacrificing the inherent appeal of decentralization.

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Video Banking: The Next Generation

whitePaper | October 21, 2021

Some might say Video Banking is already a "next-generation" technology, and in many ways it is. But even though using video to provide face-to-face communication with remote experts is a welcome addition to online banking, most deployments to date add little more than a trust element. We can still find much room to further improve the customer experience as it relates to video and digital banking, as we will demonstrate in this paper. Video Banking is a remote one-way or two-way connection between you and a bank representative working in a call center, branch office, or from home. There are several use cases for Video Banking, depending upon your location and need. A common Video Banking model is the Personal Teller Machine (PTM),calso called a Video Teller Machine (VTM). A PTM functions like ancautomated teller machine (ATM) outfitted with a built-in monitor, camera, microphone, and speakers to facilitate video interactions. That allows a connection with a remote banker to answer questions about transactions when you need help. PTMs often have the convenience of 24-hour service with remote bankers on a shift-based roster to cover the customer load.

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Digital Banking: Accelerating Financial Inclusion

whitePaper | December 7, 2022

Financial inclusion can be characterised as a means to an end. By ensuring access for households and small and medium enterprises to safe, essential financial services, financial inclusion is a key facilitator of inclusive economic growth. Not only does financial inclusion promote regional economic objectives, it is also considered as an enabler for 7 of the 17 sustainable development goals defined by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.

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Banking cybersecurity & cybercrime

whitePaper | October 25, 2022

Financial institutions’ pre-pandemic investments in technology and the increased adoption by the public of online banking services helped banks and credit unions continue serving and, in some cases, expand their reach of customers. However, accelerated technology adoption and institutions’ growing reliance on third-party partners amplify the importance of cybersecurity measures for protecting private data, financial assets, and systems.

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Embedded Finance The Future of the Economy

whitePaper | November 26, 2019

Financial services is the nervous system of our economy; a critical system that needs to operate efficiently and equitably for our society to function. The legacy 20th century business models in finance have become increasingly obsolete and most have not adapted to the fundamental paradigm shift—technological, institutional and societal—ushered in by our continuing transition from an Industrial Age to an emerging Information Age.

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De Nederlandsche Bank

In een professionele werkomgeving die door de actualiteit en de dynamiek van de financiële wereld op een hoog peil staat. Multidisciplinair, in een internationale context. Bij een organisatie met een grote maatschappelijke verantwoordelijkheid - wát we doen, doet er toe. En dat doen we met integriteit, loyaliteit en een groot saamhorigheidsgevoel. Onze succesfactoren.
