Where did my customers go? Why embedded payments are key for banks to survive.

Whether you call it embedded finance, payments as a service, or contextual finance they all represent the same thing. There is a shift in the way customers are consuming their financial services, with customers moving to channels banks don’t own. Meanwhile corporates are moving to points of contact that banks don’t own to buy their banking products and services.
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As digital transformation strategies take hold and organizations embrace a philosophy of data-driven decision-making, many functions that have traditionally communicated little with each other are coming together around a shared need for current and relevant information. In this environment, IT and tax departments have a signifi


Predicting the Future of Fintech with Research Insights

From neobanking to the rapid consumer adoption of “Buy Now Pay Later” services, consumer financial behavior and the fintech industry continues to evolve at a rapid pace. Factor in rising inflation and geopolitical disruptions, and FinTech leaders can expect more shifts. Understanding evolving consumer sentiment while anticipating possible shifts in industry trends will be the key to evaluating market opportunities faster, building products customers love, and staying ahead of the competition.
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How to Read Financial Statements and Financial Journalism

Financial Poise

Journalists — financial and otherwise — are not paid to compare carefully the strongest pro- and con- arguments of a proposition. Strong incentives push journalists toward producing loud click-bait. There is no day of reckoning for their views, as there is for investors who do as suggested. Readers, for their part, tend to click what confirms their own biases. How can an investor separate the wheat from the chaff in financial journalism? How can an investor look at the financial statements of a potential investment and decide for herself what the numbers mean? These are the topics for this webinar.
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The latest trends in mobile banking malware… and how to fight them


Mobile banking trojans increased 60% last year showing us that the malware problem isn’t going away. Since 2010 this scourge has continuously gown and bedeviled financial institutions and their customers – and there’s no end in sight. Clearly, ignorance surely isn’t bliss when it comes to protecting your business and its customers. Start by knowing the enemy.
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How to Verify Consumer Identities and Predict Their Financial Capacity

Discover how to leverage first-party identity data and multi-factor authentication to accurately verify a customer’s digital identity. Plus, we’ll show you how to protect your digital properties and brand reputation by ensuring good customer experiences that also secure a user’s personal information. Finally, we’ll let you in on how to use identity attributes and cohort analysis to weigh default risks and design offers that expand revenue opportunities.
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As digital transformation strategies take hold and organizations embrace a philosophy of data-driven decision-making, many functions that have traditionally communicated little with each other are coming together around a shared need for current and relevant information. In this environment, IT and tax departments have a signifi
