Trends in FinTech for Muni Bonds & Community Banks

In today’s stringent regulatory environment, successfully navigating the ever-changing landscape of compliance obligations is a daunting task imposed on previously monotonous corners of the market. Along with Dodd-Frank came increased requirements for investing in municipal securities as ratings alone are no longer sufficient for evaluating creditworthiness. Rather, banks and other fiduciaries must formulate their own risk assessment process for the securities they hold demonstrating that their due diligence is a function of the security’s credit quality, the complexity of the structure, and the size of the investment.
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This election year will have a significant impact on long-term indirect tax rules, rates, and risks. More immediately, federal, state, and local tax policymaking, fiscal conditions, and technological disruptions will muddle the short-term indirect tax environment in the United States. This white paper will cover the important tr


The ROI of AI – Converting conversational AI into revenue for banks

FinTech Futures

Conversational AI has changed the way people bank, delivering enhanced user experiences and re-establishing trust. But what can this new technology do for your bottom line? As it turns out, it can do quite a lot. Listen on demand to FinTech Futures, Finn AI and Juniper Research discuss how conversational AI can deliver solid business results. Discover how to increase customer lifetime value and retention and reduce customer acquisition and service costs by.
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Advanced Cash Flow Analysis

Osburn & Associates

This webinar will explore multiple models of both business and personal (business owner) cash flow analyses.The session will begin with the business “traditional” EBITDA cash flow and personal cash flow of the “business owner” (using the 1040 tax return, including tax schedules and K-1s, and the personal financial statement). Additionally, the Global Cash Flow or combined “business & personal” cash flow model will be displayed.This will be followed by the Statement of Cash Flows (using the Direct and Indirect Methods), as prepared by the CPA, the UCA Cash Flow (using the Moody’s software spreadsheet), Cash Basis Cash Flow, Fixed-Charge Coverage (FCC), and Free Cash Flow (FCF).Various cash flow projections and sensitivity analyses will also be explored.The webinar will then conclude with “commercial real estate” (CRE) cash flow analysis and other related real estate “investment” cash flow models.
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Captive Insurance Taxation and Accounting Issues


There are currently over three thousand United States domiciled captive insurance companies, which provide a broad range of direct insurance coverage and reinsurance coverage to a wide variety of United States based businesses including Fortune 500 publicly traded companies, trade association sponsored captives and privately owned businesses. This is in addition to many offshore captives insuring United States based risks. Why? Because captive insurance companies are a cost effective alternative to purchasing commercial insurance in a variety of circumstances.
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How to Build Loan Volume with Financing of New Homes


Watch this informative webinar presented by the experts at National Mortgage News and sponsored by Finastra. Mortgage lenders looking to make up for lost volume in today's tight housing market are warming up to helping finance new home construction. Products like bridge loans and single-close mortgages help homebuyers close the gap when moving into a brand new house. There also are new opportunities for lenders to serve homebuilders by providing construction financing. In this webinar, we will explore how lenders can use construction lending to improve their production numbers and generate a better return on investment.
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This election year will have a significant impact on long-term indirect tax rules, rates, and risks. More immediately, federal, state, and local tax policymaking, fiscal conditions, and technological disruptions will muddle the short-term indirect tax environment in the United States. This white paper will cover the important tr
