Trade With No Stop Loss, How To Win In The Currency Markets Hedging

Market strategy is about choosing the entry and exit prices. If a trader is on swing trading or scalping the exit price is crucial. The volatility for an intraday trader will play against its on trading every time a stop loss is placed. There is a safer and winning way to protect the entry without stop loss activation due to volatility or spread widening problems.
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This election year will have a significant impact on long-term indirect tax rules, rates, and risks. More immediately, federal, state, and local tax policymaking, fiscal conditions, and technological disruptions will muddle the short-term indirect tax environment in the United States. This white paper will cover the important tr


How to Read Financial Statements and Financial Journalism

Financial Poise

Journalists — financial and otherwise — are not paid to compare carefully the strongest pro- and con- arguments of a proposition. Strong incentives push journalists toward producing loud click-bait. There is no day of reckoning for their views, as there is for investors who do as suggested. Readers, for their part, tend to click what confirms their own biases. How can an investor separate the wheat from the chaff in financial journalism? How can an investor look at the financial statements of a potential investment and decide for herself what the numbers mean? These are the topics for this webinar.
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Basics of Banking

Bank Webinars

This webinar will provide an “introduction” to the banking industry and touch on most all aspects of banking. It is a must for all new bankers and/or those that want to "brush up" on their general banking knowledge!
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The Future of Accounting Is Now


A progressive shift is taking place within organizations. Finance automation tools are enabling corporations to increase efficiency, improve accuracy, and decrease risk. Accountants are unleashed to be more proactive, focused on complex and judgmental areas, and drivers of strategic business decisions.
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Crypto Basics - Wallets - 7 Ways To Safely Store Your Digital Coins


The very first step you have to take in order to purchase and being able to hold your coins is to open up a cryptocurrency wallet. There are different choices of wallets depending on if you want to simply hold the largest coins - Bitcoins and Litecoin - or hold many different types. In this class we will review the different types of wallets and also review several of the most popular wallets and help you determine which is the right one for you.
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This election year will have a significant impact on long-term indirect tax rules, rates, and risks. More immediately, federal, state, and local tax policymaking, fiscal conditions, and technological disruptions will muddle the short-term indirect tax environment in the United States. This white paper will cover the important tr
