Procurement In The Age of Cloud, AI and Blockchain

In the last few years, a lot of emphasis has been placed on the procurement function as being strategically important to the business. It drives value, generates massive savings opportunity, and increases the overall operational efficiency. With cloud technology changing at a rapid pace and procurement practices being regularly updated, the trends within the procurement function are ever changing.
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As digital transformation strategies take hold and organizations embrace a philosophy of data-driven decision-making, many functions that have traditionally communicated little with each other are coming together around a shared need for current and relevant information. In this environment, IT and tax departments have a signifi


Path to Digitalization for Financial Services


Collaboration and efficiency through digitalization has become increasingly important for financial services firms today. For digital business executives, four particular area of focus for 2018 include: digital experience, operations, innovation and building out of digital ecosystems
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Adapt to Evolving Banking Customer Behaviors

After a tumultuous 2020 for financial services customers and leaders, financial services business unit executives need to know how last year’s events changed customer needs and behaviors, what stayed the same, and what it all means for the future of banking products, services, and channels. This complimentary webinar draws on surveys administered by Gartner both before and during the COVID-19 pandemic to reveal how retail banking customer behaviors and needs evolved during 2020. Financial services business unit executives will learn what these changes, or lack thereof, mean for moving forward.
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Real Estate Loan Collection Rules for Lenders & Mortgage Servicers


Financial institutions are subject to an overwhelming – and changing – myriad of federal laws that deal with real estate loan collections and servicing, including the Truth in Lending Act (Reg Z), the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Reg X), the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (and UDAAP), the Fair Credit Reporting Act (Reg V), and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Reg B). Within the last few years, there have been many important changes to these laws regarding restrictions on collection procedures, mortgage default notices, successors in interest, timing restrictions on mortgage foreclosures, and new bankruptcy protections.
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Top 10 Trends in Wholesale Banking & Payments, 2019: Accelerate and Integrate

Aite Group

Join Aite Group research director Christine Barry and her expert team for a live one-hour webinar as they identify the top 10 trends that will shape the wholesale banking and payments landscape around the globe in 2019 and beyond. Attend the webinar to: Understand the key factors driving change in the industry Learn how banks will leverage technology to consolidate data and processes Hear how machine learning, APIs, and real-time payments are helping banks meet the demands of today’s corporate customers
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As digital transformation strategies take hold and organizations embrace a philosophy of data-driven decision-making, many functions that have traditionally communicated little with each other are coming together around a shared need for current and relevant information. In this environment, IT and tax departments have a signifi
