Open Banking- the final push towards intuitive financial services

Open banking represents a sea of change in the way financial services are operated and delivered, and yet at this stage in developments, many large financial institutions have not only missed various deadlines, they are set to miss the next tranche as well. What is the reason for this, are they struggling with the transformation required of outdated legacy? Are they oblivious as to the opportunities at play, or indeed complacent as to the competition posed by third parties? Or are they simply blindsided by seemingly conflicting regulatory changes?
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As digital transformation strategies take hold and organizations embrace a philosophy of data-driven decision-making, many functions that have traditionally communicated little with each other are coming together around a shared need for current and relevant information. In this environment, IT and tax departments have a signifi


Achieve Payments Excellence: Automate, Monetize and Accelerate Supplier Payments

Even though payment is the last step in the procure-to-pay (P2P) process, many would argue that it’s the most crucial one. By streamlining payments and implementing proper Net terms management, businesses that are matched with the right technology and proper working capital strategy can reap substantial benefits. In this webinar, you’ll discover how your business can optimize payments and other P2P processes to unlock working capital, reduce costs and build a more resilient supply chain.
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In this session, James will discuss the stochastics indicator which is one of the most popular forex tools. During the webinar, you will learn what the indicator is as well as how to trade the indicator, from basic methods through to advanced methods including how to combine the indicator with other technical elements to identify trading opportunities. This session is perfect for traders of all skill levels including those entirely new to technical trading.
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Over two years ago, in September 2015, 193 governments adopted the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which provide a framework for global development and set quantitative targets for the world to achieve by 2030. A global investment of $5 to $7 trillion a year, from 2015 to 2030, is estimated to be needed to fund the SDGs, 50 percent of which should come from the private sector.
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How to Read Financial Statements and Financial Journalism

Financial Poise

Journalists — financial and otherwise — are not paid to compare carefully the strongest pro- and con- arguments of a proposition. Strong incentives push journalists toward producing loud click-bait. There is no day of reckoning for their views, as there is for investors who do as suggested. Readers, for their part, tend to click what confirms their own biases. How can an investor separate the wheat from the chaff in financial journalism? How can an investor look at the financial statements of a potential investment and decide for herself what the numbers mean? These are the topics for this webinar.
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As digital transformation strategies take hold and organizations embrace a philosophy of data-driven decision-making, many functions that have traditionally communicated little with each other are coming together around a shared need for current and relevant information. In this environment, IT and tax departments have a signifi
