Income Verification and the Future of Lending

Income Verification and the Future of Lending
Data shows that 41% of loan applicants under-state their income while 38% over-state their income. In a tightening economy this becomes more important to consumers and lenders as it impacts access to credit and financing. Better understanding these income discrepancies early in the application process will result in an increase in loan conversions. The earlier a lender has an accurate picture of an applicant's credit worthiness, the more the bank wins.
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This election year will have a significant impact on long-term indirect tax rules, rates, and risks. More immediately, federal, state, and local tax policymaking, fiscal conditions, and technological disruptions will muddle the short-term indirect tax environment in the United States. This white paper will cover the important tr


Profiting From Mobile Payments: How Do Banks Make Money From Mobile Wallets?


In this mobile payments for banks webinar you will be provided with a snapshot of the market as it stands. This will include facts and figures about current mobile payment methods, mobile payments adoption, banker perception, smartphone penetration and the regulatory environment.
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Cryptocurrency Demystified Part 1: Cryptocurrency 101

Your cryptocurrency primer, get up-to-speed on crypto, the technology behind it, where it can be purchased and what it means for your bank. Seventy-one percent of bitcoin holders would switch banks for one that offered bitcoin products. This offers a big opportunity for community banks seeking to acquire new customers and broaden their offerings.
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Creating a customer-focused financial institution with actionable insights

Finastra’s Fusion Digital Banking Insights is the power financial institutions need to personalize customer interactions, drive deeper engagement, and build revenues by decreasing costs.
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Is the Venture Capital Process Right for Your Startup?


In 2016, capital raised by venture funds hit a 10-year high, and venture capitalists invested nearly $70 billion across almost 8,000 companies. Robust VC activity presents an attractive opportunity for startups seeking capital and strategic advice. However, this opportunity can be lost without adequate preparation. Emerging companies rely on counsel to help determine if VC financing is appropriate and, if so, to guide them through the process. Attracting and successfully negotiating VC investments does not begin with a pitch deck and term sheet.
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This election year will have a significant impact on long-term indirect tax rules, rates, and risks. More immediately, federal, state, and local tax policymaking, fiscal conditions, and technological disruptions will muddle the short-term indirect tax environment in the United States. This white paper will cover the important tr
