Cryptocurrency Demystified Part 2: The Use Case for and Future of Cryptocurrency in Banking

Explore the use and business case for crypto, how crypto can help you acquire new customers and deepen your relationships plus an overview on the future of cryptocurrency. PayPal and Square now support bitcoin and have seen revenue surges as a result. By introducing bitcoin services, community banks can expand their customer base, generate new income, and reduce cost of funds.
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This election year will have a significant impact on long-term indirect tax rules, rates, and risks. More immediately, federal, state, and local tax policymaking, fiscal conditions, and technological disruptions will muddle the short-term indirect tax environment in the United States. This white paper will cover the important tr


Digital Banking: How FIS is Using a No-Code Platform to Stay Ahead of the Curve

How FIS is Using a No-Code Platform to Stay Ahead of the Curve.
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The Business Case for a Finance-Lead Digital Transformation


Hear from leading experts on proven methods and approaches for initiating and delivering transformation efforts to bring process improvement in the finance organization. Discover how to leverage your investment in BlackLine and other cloud platforms to digitize the financial close, planning, and reporting processes to drive value for your company.
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Open Banking- the final push towards intuitive financial services


Open banking represents a sea of change in the way financial services are operated and delivered, and yet at this stage in developments, many large financial institutions have not only missed various deadlines, they are set to miss the next tranche as well. What is the reason for this, are they struggling with the transformation required of outdated legacy? Are they oblivious as to the opportunities at play, or indeed complacent as to the competition posed by third parties? Or are they simply blindsided by seemingly conflicting regulatory changes?
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Universal Banker: Recruiting, Hiring, & Training

Western Bankers

Learn how to increase the quality of the hiring model through technology, using a certified panel, and unorthodox questioning. Improve customer and employee retention by creating an enhanced, consistent customer and employee experience by developing a training program that reduces on the job training. In this webinar, learn how to reduce turnover with ongoing development and engagement strategies beyond the initial training process.
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This election year will have a significant impact on long-term indirect tax rules, rates, and risks. More immediately, federal, state, and local tax policymaking, fiscal conditions, and technological disruptions will muddle the short-term indirect tax environment in the United States. This white paper will cover the important tr
