The Accounting & Finance Virtual Summit is an opportunity for public power professionals to learn, network, and discuss current trends and issues with peers from around the country.
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As digital transformation strategies take hold and organizations embrace a philosophy of data-driven decision-making, many functions that have traditionally communicated little with each other are coming together around a shared need for current and relevant information. In this environment, IT and tax departments have a signifi


Open Banking Impact on Digital Customer Acquisition


Open Banking is revolutionising the financial technology landscape worldwide. How should your digital acquisition and onboarding initiatives capitalise on the changing landscape of permissions and opportunities driven by Open Banking? In this webinar, The Open Data Institute & Avoka will present their research which can help financial services executives better understand the opportunities Open APIs provide for enhanced customer journeys. Join ODI & Avoka for a webinar to consider what both these opportunities and the risks could mean to your financial institution.
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ESG Adoption for U.S. Commercial Banks: Where Should You Be in the Journey?

As environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues continue to gain attention in the U.S., banks need to start adopting and embedding ESG into their strategies now. With the increased focus on social and environmental factors in the regulatory and investment community, banks need to ramp up their ESG disclosure, start to assess the financial impacts of climate change and highlight their commitments to all stakeholders and their communities. But ESG shouldn’t be viewed as simply another regulatory box to check, but rather an opportunity to achieve long-term value creation. The most competitive banks are already moving to adopt ESG strategies, are you? Join S&P Global Market Intelligence and leading banking industry insiders as we discuss where banks of different sizes should be in their ESG journey and what steps banks need to take to move forward.
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Trends in financial crimes: Traversing the cyber threat landscape

Cybersecurity has many different facets. Awareness is both vital and necessary, and cybercrime remains top of mind for financial crime professionals. In this session, you will learn from a law enforcement partner with the FBI Las Vegas Cyber Task Force, as they discuss the latest financial crime trends. They will discuss business email compromise and asset recovery processes, SIM swapping/social engineering, and regulatory guidance and red flags.
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Are banks parking their tanks on accountants’ lawns?

With special guest Steve Hemsley, Tim and James discuss the advent of banks moving into the accounting space. This could be a game changer for commercial and corporate banking, a real area for Banking-as-a-Service to grow from infancy to the industry standard.
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As digital transformation strategies take hold and organizations embrace a philosophy of data-driven decision-making, many functions that have traditionally communicated little with each other are coming together around a shared need for current and relevant information. In this environment, IT and tax departments have a signifi
