A Cyber Risk Survival Guide: Adding Cyber Insurance to Security

It seems like every week we see a high profile cyber attacks aimed at stealing sensitive data and extorting money. And then tack on the aftermath to the organization who was hit - the cost of resulting lawsuits, penalties, and lost revenue due to reputation damage.
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As digital transformation strategies take hold and organizations embrace a philosophy of data-driven decision-making, many functions that have traditionally communicated little with each other are coming together around a shared need for current and relevant information. In this environment, IT and tax departments have a signifi


Trade With No Stop Loss, How To Win In The Currency Markets Hedging


Market strategy is about choosing the entry and exit prices. If a trader is on swing trading or scalping the exit price is crucial. The volatility for an intraday trader will play against its on trading every time a stop loss is placed. There is a safer and winning way to protect the entry without stop loss activation due to volatility or spread widening problems.
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Introduction to Automated Trading


Do you know how automated trading works? In this webinar, you will learn the basics of automated trading, its advantages over manual trading and how to use it through the MT4 platform. Content: Definition of Automated Trading In a very didactic way, we will enter into automated trading. You will find it is not as hard as it looks. The trading rules are the same, only the tools used change.
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Digitalization - what it really means for your tax team?

Headlines broadcast “DIGITALIZATION!” The prevalence of cell phones and online shopping remind us that we’re already living digitally. But what about your tax team? They should be living digitally, too, since technological advances will continue to impact them — especially as governments increasingly adopt technology. Are you wo
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How Can Mobile Banking Apps Fight Back?


Digital channels have become a high-risk environment due to data breaches, phishing, malware, and social engineering attacks. Banks need to better serve their customers by overcoming these security concerns - especially in mobile. To understand current trends in online and mobile banking fraud, the tools being used to mitigate these risks, and planned investments to protect digital channels, Aite Group surveyed executives from large North American financial institutions.
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As digital transformation strategies take hold and organizations embrace a philosophy of data-driven decision-making, many functions that have traditionally communicated little with each other are coming together around a shared need for current and relevant information. In this environment, IT and tax departments have a signifi
