January 6, 2020

Finance and procurement have complementary strengths and corresponding priorities, so working collaboratively makes sense strategically and practically. Despite this, many enterprises still have a strong disconnect between these departments. To learn more about the existing relationships between finance and procurement, we interviewed over 280 finance professionals in our sourcing sentiment survey. Our findings, bolstered by analyst insights, make a strong case for increased collaboration between finance and procurement.


TMX Group

TMX Group is an integrated, multi-asset class exchange group. TMX Group's key subsidiaries operate cash and derivative markets and clearinghouses for multiple asset classes including equities, fixed income and energy...

Other Infographics
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7 Technologies disrupting the Finance Industry

Infographic | March 9, 2020

Change is not easy for any type of organization. More so for companies who have to abide by strict laws and regulations like financial institutions. Most existing banking and related laws are based on outdated legacy systems of traditional companies that are not flexible and do not necessarily reflect the current financial ecosystem.

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Three Best Areas for Automation in Finance

Infographic | March 30, 2022

Automation has a critical role to play in managing the financial processes. Fraud prevention: Financial teams need best practices to manage and detect fraud in financial activities.

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B2B Payments Fintech: Empowering Business Transactions

Infographic | July 17, 2023

Explore this infographic to delve into the world of B2B fintech and gain valuable insights into how B2B payments fintech revolutionizes transactions.

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Infographic | November 30, 2021

With the acceleration of digital business, financial services organisations need to ensure their IT capabilities keep up with customer and employee demands. Seamless connectivity, end-to-end security and cloud readiness are just some of the IT prerequisites that the industry must address to support hybrid working models, compete with newcomers to the sector and comply with evolving regulations.

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Financial Service Providers: Changing the Workforce of the Future

Infographic | March 9, 2022

25% of leading companies are taking the steps towards reshaping the futuristic workforce.

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Crypto in B2B Payments: Visualizing Future of Digital Currency

Infographic | June 27, 2023

Discover B2B digital payments using cryptocurrencies, where secure transactions are backed by blockchain, enabling trust and independent verification.

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TMX Group

TMX Group is an integrated, multi-asset class exchange group. TMX Group's key subsidiaries operate cash and derivative markets and clearinghouses for multiple asset classes including equities, fixed income and energy...
