Q&A with Diania Merriam, Founder at EconoMe LLC

Diania Merriam, Founder at EconoMe LLC, is an ambitious marketing professional with a passion for building brand longevity through strategic licensing partnerships and brand extensions. She like to earn through licensing and has become very enthusiastic about how she manages that money.

Personal finance is a very personal thing, and so exposing yourself to various viewpoints on different money matters is the best way to come to your own conclusions.

MEDIA 7: EconoMe 2021, all set to be held on November 13th and 14th at The University of Cincinnati, explores the concept of reclaiming the American Dream. What inspired you to create EconoMe LLC which shares the idea of financial independence with your audience?
The EconoMe Conference is the first large-scale event rooted in the FIRE movement (financial independence, retire early). I created this event because the discovery of the FIRE movement completely changed my life over the last 6 years: I got out of $30k of debt in 11 months, started saving/investing 60% of my income, bought a house, was able to take a 2-month sabbatical from work to walk the Camino de Santiago (a 500-mile trek across Spain), and self-fund my business. EconoMe originated from me asking myself the question, “What would I do with my time if I no longer needed to work for money?”. I decided I wanted to create a party about money!  This was something I thought I would do once I reached financial independence, but I got so excited about it that I couldn’t wait. I’m a huge fan of in-person events, and often when I attend an inspirational event, I leave feeling like my life is so full of possibility. I wanted to create something that would allow other people to feel that way about their money.

The EconoMe Conference is not a stuffy financial workshop, we strive to be as entertaining as we are informed. We have an incredible lineup of mainstage speakers that address tactical topics like how to address student loan debt, the cost of healthcare, and side hustles.  We also have more inspirational speakers that share their personal experiences of reaching financial independence.  But what really sets us apart is that we recognize the power of community, physically being together, and connecting with others who are willing to discuss the taboo topic of money. There are a ton of resources online that can help you learn what you need to know about personal finance. And there are also a ton of online communities where you can digitally connect with others. I’ve seen in my own life that nothing can replace the magic that happens when you meet in person. This is why it’s more fun to watch a movie with a big crowd vs. watching it alone at home. The energy in the room can make it a totally different experience. And that’s what we’re striving for at EconoMe… it’s a VIBE… down to every detail: the music, the lighting, the space, the activities, and the endless opportunities to connect with others.

M7: The EconoMe conference aspires to help people claim their right to a new American Dream. Can you tell us more about this vision and how it is different from the concept we have been familiar with?
The American Dream originated as an idea where every person has the right to pursue his or her own unique version of happiness.  But over time, it devolved into a set of societal expectations rooted in consumerism and upheld by the lack of autonomy that occurs when you work a typical 9 to 5 until you are 65.  The financial independence community recognizes that money can buy time and freedom from the rat race just as much as it can buy stuff.  We believe happiness comes from freedom, creativity, and community.  We want more self-directed time, more mental space, and more connection with the people we love.  At EconoMe, we come together to question our assumptions about happiness, freedom, and prosperity through the lens of personal finance.  And we recognize that building wealth is one of the best ways to reclaim autonomy over our time.

I believe it all starts with awareness: get a clear understanding of where you are now financially so that you can come up with a plan to save and invest more.

M7: Can you please briefly tell us about the FIRE movement and its growing importance today?
The FIRE movement is a lifestyle movement with the goal of financial freedom.  I think what sets FIRE apart from general personal finance is the aggressiveness in which it applies basic principles, it’s like financial literacy on steroids. For example, a pillar of good money management is to spend less than you earn.  Proponents of FIRE will discuss endless ways to increase income and reduce expenses in order to make the funds available for saving and investing as high as possible.  While most financial advisors will recommend saving 10-20% of income for retirement, those pursuing FIRE will typically save/invest 50% or more.  What sets FIRE followers apart is not the type of investments: many are DIY investors in low fee total market index funds or real estate.

The key differentiator between those pursuing financial independence and early retirement vs. anyone who ever wants to retire is the savings rate.  The pursuit of FI is a worthy endeavor even for people who have no interest in retiring early, because it’s the intentional process of separating your finances from your work.  Financial stability not tied to employment is a powerful safety net that creates many options: early retirement is just one of them.

M7: In your podcast ‘Optimal Finance Daily’, you bring to your readers inspirational and relevant information on a variety of topics like personal development, finance and more. How do you choose topics that are most informative for your listeners?
Optimal Finance Daily is a narration-style podcast where I read from some of the best personal finance blogs on the planet, sometimes a little too enthusiastically, in 10 minutes or less every single day. We cover a broad range of topics from money mindset, saving, getting out of debt, frugality, investing, and so much more. It’s as if all these brilliant bloggers wrote these great songs, and I get to perform the covers!  The show is perfect for people who want to get broad exposure to personal finance topics but don’t want to keep up with the hundreds of blogs that are available. Personal finance is a very personal thing, and so exposing yourself to various viewpoints on different money matters is the best way to come to your own conclusions.  For example, some personal finance experts believe renting is throwing away money while others believe that home ownership is not a good investment.  Depending on specific circumstances and context, they both could be right!

Financial stability not tied to employment is a powerful safety net that creates many options: early retirement is just one of them.

M7: According to you, how should an average person begin their journey to financial independence?
I believe it all starts with awareness: get a clear understanding of where you are now financially so that you can come up with a plan to save and invest more.  I began by running a credit report on myself and fully understanding my collective debt. I then began tracking all my spending and looking at ways I could easily reduce my expenses without it feeling like deprivation.  From there, I developed a realistic budget that I could track against and fine-tune. Once I got a handle on where my money was going (rather than wondering where it went), I could see that I wasn’t getting a lot of value out of my mindless spending.  I reallocated that money by aggressively throwing it at my debt. I used a debt reduction calculator to plan out how I would attack my debt by focusing on the highest interest rate debt first.  After digging out of debt and building a comfortable emergency fund, I started investing aggressively and focused first on fully funding my tax-advantaged retirement vehicles (401k, Roth IRA, and HSA).

M7: When you are not working, what are you seen doing? Would you like to share your hobbies with us?
Most weekends I can be found doing some long-distance hiking at the many trails around Cincinnati.  I also cook almost every meal I eat, host dinner parties often, and love to read.  My 80 lb lab shepard mix named Buddy is always at my side!


EconoMe LLC was formed to launch The EconoMe Conference, a two-day event at the University of Cincinnati. The EconoMe Conference has roots in the FIRE movement (Financial Independence, Retire Early) which is a lifestyle movement with the goal of financial freedom. Diania Merriam, the founder of EconoMe LLC, was motivated to start a conference after the pursuit of FIRE changed her life.  EconoMe produces content and events to inspire and educate people on the path to financial independence.


Q&A with David Spark, Content Marketer and Producer, Managing Editor at Spark Media Solutions

MEDIA 7 | November 7, 2019

David Spark, Content Marketer and Producer, Managing Editor at Spark Media Solutions is a veteran tech journalist and founder of Spark Media Solutions. He’s been the creative director, producer, voice, and face of many content marketing campaigns for a number of Fortune 1000 B2B tech companies. MEDIA 7: What part of your background, personality, experience, or skill set makes you a particularly effective content marketing professional? DAVID SPARK: • Veteran technology journalist (worked across all media) • Former advertising exec • Former standup comedian and comedy writer M7: What inspires you to come up with new ideas for blog posts, campaigns, tech, and media podcasts? DS: Inspiration is dependent on the project, the output, and the medium. But in general, I’m inspired by finding a topic/question that the audience will eagerly want to answer. Two of our most popular examples: CISO Series – This is a media channel we started in October 2018 that we tout as couples counseling for security practitioners and vendors. We have such a passionate audience that they’re submitting a steady flow of questions, commentary, and games for our two podcasts. The CISO Series has provided the forum for our audience to be inspired. “Man on the street” videos – It’s our most popular video format. We’ve produced close to 200 of these and my goal with these videos is to come up with a question where the first reaction is to laugh and then an eagerness about responding. It could be a challenge question (e.g., “What would happen if you left your mobile phone at home for an entire day?”, or something completely inappropriate for the environment (e.g., asking “What’s Your Password?” at a security conference). ...

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Q&A with Joanie Wang, Director of Marketing at Expensify

Media 7 | August 23, 2021

Joanie Wang, Director of Marketing at Expensify, is a marketing and communications generalist, interested in human behavior and the psychology behind what incentivizes people to action — whether that is increased civic engagement or purchasing a product. Since joining Expensify in 2014, she has helped grow Expensify into the most recognizable expense management platform in the space through unconventional means, including Expensify’s You Weren’t Born to Do Expenses Super Bowl campaign and ExpensiCon - the industry’s first all-expenses-paid thought leadership conference. She is also passionate about making diversity, equity, and inclusion a core part of Expensify's brand and values and bringing it to life for the entire Expensify community....

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'Fintech industry faces similar challenges as the tech industry in terms of security hygiene,' says Tim Theuri

Media 7 | August 1, 2023

Tim Theuri is a cybersecurity and risk expert with extensive experience in the financial and telecommunications sectors. The combination of his cybersecurity expertise and his in-depth knowledge of risk management enables him to develop robust strategies that mitigate potential threats. Read on to discover his extensive experience in fintech and learn ways to stay apprised of the most recent technological developments in the industry. ...

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Q&A with David Spark, Content Marketer and Producer, Managing Editor at Spark Media Solutions

MEDIA 7 | November 7, 2019

David Spark, Content Marketer and Producer, Managing Editor at Spark Media Solutions is a veteran tech journalist and founder of Spark Media Solutions. He’s been the creative director, producer, voice, and face of many content marketing campaigns for a number of Fortune 1000 B2B tech companies. MEDIA 7: What part of your background, personality, experience, or skill set makes you a particularly effective content marketing professional? DAVID SPARK: • Veteran technology journalist (worked across all media) • Former advertising exec • Former standup comedian and comedy writer M7: What inspires you to come up with new ideas for blog posts, campaigns, tech, and media podcasts? DS: Inspiration is dependent on the project, the output, and the medium. But in general, I’m inspired by finding a topic/question that the audience will eagerly want to answer. Two of our most popular examples: CISO Series – This is a media channel we started in October 2018 that we tout as couples counseling for security practitioners and vendors. We have such a passionate audience that they’re submitting a steady flow of questions, commentary, and games for our two podcasts. The CISO Series has provided the forum for our audience to be inspired. “Man on the street” videos – It’s our most popular video format. We’ve produced close to 200 of these and my goal with these videos is to come up with a question where the first reaction is to laugh and then an eagerness about responding. It could be a challenge question (e.g., “What would happen if you left your mobile phone at home for an entire day?”, or something completely inappropriate for the environment (e.g., asking “What’s Your Password?” at a security conference). ...

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Q&A with Joanie Wang, Director of Marketing at Expensify

Media 7 | August 23, 2021

Joanie Wang, Director of Marketing at Expensify, is a marketing and communications generalist, interested in human behavior and the psychology behind what incentivizes people to action — whether that is increased civic engagement or purchasing a product. Since joining Expensify in 2014, she has helped grow Expensify into the most recognizable expense management platform in the space through unconventional means, including Expensify’s You Weren’t Born to Do Expenses Super Bowl campaign and ExpensiCon - the industry’s first all-expenses-paid thought leadership conference. She is also passionate about making diversity, equity, and inclusion a core part of Expensify's brand and values and bringing it to life for the entire Expensify community....

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'Fintech industry faces similar challenges as the tech industry in terms of security hygiene,' says Tim Theuri

Media 7 | August 1, 2023

Tim Theuri is a cybersecurity and risk expert with extensive experience in the financial and telecommunications sectors. The combination of his cybersecurity expertise and his in-depth knowledge of risk management enables him to develop robust strategies that mitigate potential threats. Read on to discover his extensive experience in fintech and learn ways to stay apprised of the most recent technological developments in the industry. ...

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ServiceNow announces five-year strategic alliance with Visa to transform payment services

ServiceNow | January 25, 2024

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Plooto Launches Enhanced All-In-One Payment Automation Solution for Scaling Businesses

Plooto | January 16, 2024

Plooto, a leading payment automation solution for small-to-midsized businesses (SMBs), has launched a payment orchestration offering that is custom-designed to support the complex workflows and security requirements of rapidly scaling businesses. As the size and operational complexity of businesses increase, the risk of fraud and human error grows. This leads businesses to implement more rigorous security and control policies to keep the management of cash flow secure and reliable, placing additional burdens on finance teams including time, effort, and resources spent upgrading or building in-house solutions. Similar challenges extend to accounting and bookkeeping firms, as their robust compliance processes and corresponding reputation are critical drivers of growth. Firms' ability to retain and expand client accounts hinges not only on strong relationships but also on their adherence to rigorous compliance standards, especially when it comes to financial data protection. With this launch, Plooto brings to market the first solution in Canada to address these unique cash management challenges faced by midsize enterprises. This offering is priced at a competitive rate as organizations often cite cost as a barrier to adoption of cash management solutions. As volume and complexity of operations increase, businesses can trust Plooto to scale their needs seamlessly without straining their resources. Coupling end-to-end payment automation with stringent security controls and seamless connection to enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions, Plooto is now capable of helping even more businesses scale efficiently within their ecosystem. Building upon Plooto’s core offering of simplified, all-in-one payables and receivables automation, new capabilities include Dual Controls: Limits human error and protects against fraud through comprehensive approvals on changes to sensitive financial information Single Sign-On: Enterprise-level safeguards that enable security personnel to manage both user access to sensitive data and removal from a centralized hub as teams scale Integration with Oracle Netsuite: Seamless two-way sync automates reconciliation protecting against costly human error, reducing billable hours, and helping finance teams save time "Our new offering enables finance teams to easily scale their workflows and gain the visibility they crucially need into their cash flow,” says Hamed Abbasi, Co-Founder and CEO of Plooto. “I’m thrilled that Plooto is expanding how we support growing SMBs, and that we are the first company to fill this critical gap for Canadian businesses.” Having recently been awarded with Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500™ and Technology Fast 50™ designations for a staggering 3-year 433% growth rate, Plooto continues to provide industry-leading support for SMBs with a platform that enhances cash management through its all-in-one payment automation. Plooto has also recently expanded its leadership team, bringing extensive experience from major financial services companies such as Varo Bank, Xero, and PayPal. About Plooto Plooto partners with growing small-to-midsize businesses to give them complete control over their cash management. The all-in-one payment automation platform securely automates all payable and receivable workflows, offers extensive payment capabilities, and seamless integration with accounting software to automatically reconcile invoices. Founded in 2015 and headquartered in Toronto, Plooto serves over 10,000 North American businesses, and integrates with top accounting software platforms Quickbooks, Xero, and NetSuite. Simplifying complex processes at scale, Plooto is the financial engine businesses rely on to achieve their growth potential.

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VoPay Unveils Instant Micro-Transaction Service for Bank Account Verification, Marking a First in Canada and the US

VoPay | January 11, 2024

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ServiceNow announces five-year strategic alliance with Visa to transform payment services

ServiceNow | January 25, 2024

ServiceNow the leading digital workflow company making the world work better for everyone, announced a five-year strategic alliance with Visa, a world leader in digital payments, to transform payment services. The initial phase includes the launch of ServiceNow Disputes Management, Built with Visa—a single, connected disputes resolution solution for issuers. Managing disputes currently involves multiple systems and teams, and many financial institutions often use siloed solutions that are not fully integrated with one another. This disconnected approach creates complexity, delays crediting and resolving disputes, can create potential losses, and ultimately, impacts the customer experience. ServiceNow Disputes Management, Built with Visa is a streamlined solution that blends the best of ServiceNow’s AI-first platform and the company’s Financial Services Operations solution with Visa’s deep technology investments. Each year, Visa helps prevent $30 billion in fraud for consumers and small businesses using cutting edge technology, including tokenization and AI, deployed throughout the entire payments ecosystem, including disputes management. “At the heart of our alliance is a commitment to build industry-leading products that help financial institutions boost employee productivity, create great customer experiences, and drive business growth,” said John Ball, senior vice president and general manager, customer and industry workflows, ServiceNow. “By making Visa’s services available through ServiceNow’s intelligent, AI-first platform, we’re powering innovation and setting a new standard in the payments industry.” “Solving customer pain points is core to our business at Visa, and collaborating with an industry leader like ServiceNow will allow us to help issuer partners resolve disputes more efficiently,” said Vanessa Colella, global head of innovation and digital partnerships, Visa. “ServiceNow and Visa look forward to offering clients the latest technology solutions, so they can focus on delivering an excellent experience for their customers.” ServiceNow Disputes Management, Built with Visa will unite the entire dispute management process – from the first indication that a charge is questionable to early resolution, investigation, and final resolution. It includes a single experience for solving disputes so that employees can have high quality engagements with cardholders, as well as dashboards, automation, alerts, and the ability to audit all transactions. Two standout features enhance its efficiency: a modern, user-friendly low code platform that allows financial institutions to make swift updates to their disputes management process, and generative AI-powered experiences that improve customer intake and agent investigation. The solution also incorporates ongoing changes to disputes rules and applies industry best practices for processes, workflows, and staying ahead of fraud. “Banks should prioritize their CX efforts around the drivers that most influence customer loyalty. For example, resolving problems and issues quickly remains one of the most important drivers of CX and retention for many banks,” wrote Alyson Clarke, principal analyst at Forrester Research. “Banks that adopt modern and flexible digital banking processing platforms will find it easier and faster to deliver innovative (and profitable) customer solutions.”1 ServiceNow is committed to revolutionizing financial services with new products and services. This initial integration marks the beginning of a more extensive, multi-phased relationship between Visa and ServiceNow. The companies will continue to build new solutions and will distribute Visa products and services to joint customers. Together, ServiceNow and Visa will help clients improve dispute management. 1Forrester, Consumer Banking Trends, 2024: Trends Shaping Retail Consumer Banking In The Current Economic Climate, Jan 17, 2024 About ServiceNow ServiceNow makes the world work better for everyone. Our cloud‑based platform and solutions help digitize and unify organizations so that they can find smarter, faster, better ways to make work flow. So employees and customers can be more connected, more innovative, and more agile. And we can all create the future we imagine. The world works with ServiceNowTM.

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Plooto Launches Enhanced All-In-One Payment Automation Solution for Scaling Businesses

Plooto | January 16, 2024

Plooto, a leading payment automation solution for small-to-midsized businesses (SMBs), has launched a payment orchestration offering that is custom-designed to support the complex workflows and security requirements of rapidly scaling businesses. As the size and operational complexity of businesses increase, the risk of fraud and human error grows. This leads businesses to implement more rigorous security and control policies to keep the management of cash flow secure and reliable, placing additional burdens on finance teams including time, effort, and resources spent upgrading or building in-house solutions. Similar challenges extend to accounting and bookkeeping firms, as their robust compliance processes and corresponding reputation are critical drivers of growth. Firms' ability to retain and expand client accounts hinges not only on strong relationships but also on their adherence to rigorous compliance standards, especially when it comes to financial data protection. With this launch, Plooto brings to market the first solution in Canada to address these unique cash management challenges faced by midsize enterprises. This offering is priced at a competitive rate as organizations often cite cost as a barrier to adoption of cash management solutions. As volume and complexity of operations increase, businesses can trust Plooto to scale their needs seamlessly without straining their resources. Coupling end-to-end payment automation with stringent security controls and seamless connection to enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions, Plooto is now capable of helping even more businesses scale efficiently within their ecosystem. Building upon Plooto’s core offering of simplified, all-in-one payables and receivables automation, new capabilities include Dual Controls: Limits human error and protects against fraud through comprehensive approvals on changes to sensitive financial information Single Sign-On: Enterprise-level safeguards that enable security personnel to manage both user access to sensitive data and removal from a centralized hub as teams scale Integration with Oracle Netsuite: Seamless two-way sync automates reconciliation protecting against costly human error, reducing billable hours, and helping finance teams save time "Our new offering enables finance teams to easily scale their workflows and gain the visibility they crucially need into their cash flow,” says Hamed Abbasi, Co-Founder and CEO of Plooto. “I’m thrilled that Plooto is expanding how we support growing SMBs, and that we are the first company to fill this critical gap for Canadian businesses.” Having recently been awarded with Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500™ and Technology Fast 50™ designations for a staggering 3-year 433% growth rate, Plooto continues to provide industry-leading support for SMBs with a platform that enhances cash management through its all-in-one payment automation. Plooto has also recently expanded its leadership team, bringing extensive experience from major financial services companies such as Varo Bank, Xero, and PayPal. About Plooto Plooto partners with growing small-to-midsize businesses to give them complete control over their cash management. The all-in-one payment automation platform securely automates all payable and receivable workflows, offers extensive payment capabilities, and seamless integration with accounting software to automatically reconcile invoices. Founded in 2015 and headquartered in Toronto, Plooto serves over 10,000 North American businesses, and integrates with top accounting software platforms Quickbooks, Xero, and NetSuite. Simplifying complex processes at scale, Plooto is the financial engine businesses rely on to achieve their growth potential.

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EconoMe LLC

EconoMe LLC was formed to launch The EconoMe Conference, a two-day event at the University of Cincinnati. The EconoMe Conference has roots in the FIRE movement (Financial Independence, Retire Early) which is a lifestyle movement with the goal of financial freedom. Diania Merriam, the founder of Econ...



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Financial Management, Security and Compliance

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